KEKW’s meaning on Twitch Chat and -Where-did it Originate

You can view the original comedy video starring Juan Joya Borja. Although the subtitles are not exact translations, you can understand what the two men are saying in Spanish. The “Spanish Laughing Man”‘s reaction and laughter throughout the scene are what caused the video to become viral. Meme makers created their own unique templates for the emote before it was added to Twitch Chat as KEKW.

The FrankerFaceZ emote KEKW was created to stand in for laughter anytime anything amusing occurs during streaming. Based on the El Risitas clip cited above, it became one of the most well-known emotes of 2020. If you are familiar with LULW, it is essentially an alternative to LOL that also includes a W.

What does KEK mean?

To start, the ‘KEK’ portion of the word comes from the game World of Warcraft. In WoW, users in opposing factions would see a cryptic version of chat messages,Consequently, players on the other side would see “KEK” while members in one faction typed “LOL” (laughing out loud). When this caught on, KEK quickly replaced LOL as the standard. Later, it was utilised on Reddit, Twitter, and, of course, Twitch, as well as outside of the WoW game chat, on various websites.

What is KEKW’s meaning on Twitch?

KEKW is simply the message typed in Twitch chat in order to generate the KEKW emote. Users who have BTTV / FrankerFaceZ installed on their browser will see an image of a laughing man. El Risitas, who can be seen laughing on Spanish TV, is the laughing man in question. It is derived from a popular video clip.Sadly, El Risitas passed away in 2021, but the meme continues to circulate in his memory. As you can undoubtedly tell by now, the KEKW emote stands for laughter.


OK, it’s very easy to get the KEKW emote on Twitch. Here’s what you need to do:

  1.  Download the BTTV extension
  2.  Add the KEKW emote to your channel
  3.  To use the emote, just type in KEKW in your chat

KEKW Twitch Emote Origin

A comedian from Spain by the name of Juan Joya Borja created the KEKW emote. In 2001, he appeared in an interview on the well-liked late-night programme Ratones Coloraos (Red Mice). He began to talk about his time working as a kitchen porter during the interview, which made him laugh out loud uncontrollably. This scene on the show inspired the KEKW phrase.

How Did The KEKW Emote Become Popular

Even though the interview for the television programme Ratones Coloraos took place in 2001, it wasn’t until 2019 that the emoticon became extremely popular. In 2019, a user zoomed in on a still shot of Juan Joya Borja’s smile from this interview, gave it the name KEKW, and posted it to FrankerFaceZ. To access, view, and use additional custom emotes on Twitch, use the FrankerFaceZ browser plugin.

KEKW quickly gained popularity and rose to the top of the most popular emotes on Twitch after being published on FrankerFaceZ. It is presently being used on 140,840 Twitch channels and is the seventh most utilised emote on FrankerFaceZ. Funny enough, you might encounter KEKW in a variety of places.

How to Use the KEKW Emote

Installing the Better Twitch TV (BTTV) browser plugin will enable you to use the KEKW emote. A free browser addon called Better Twitch TV enhances Twitch by enabling you to select and utilise a range of emotes for nothing. Viewers can utilise any emoticon that has been published to the extension, including the KEKW emote, and streamers can add their own emotes.

Why was KEKW removed?

Juan Joya Borja, who served as the face of KEKW, died in April 2021. During this time, the KEKW emote was disabled for one week, after which it could once again be used. KEKW is still being used throughout the platform, and you can see it.

Is KEKW a global Twitch emote?

Emotes that may be used on every channel on Twitch are known as global emotes. KEKW is not yet a universal Twitch emote. Despite being a popular emote, there hasn’t been any discussion of making it a worldwide one, and it would be surprising if Twitch did.

What are alternatives to the KEKW emote?

The KEKW emote has two marginally more well-liked substitutes: LULW and OMEGALUL. Video game critic TotalBiscuit’s laughing visage may be seen in the emote LULW, which is a close-up of his face. It also denotes laughter, like KEKW. OMEGALUL is an emoticon that depicts a smiling face with a gaping mouth. In essence, it’s when someone laughs so loudly that their open mouth practically engulfs their entire face. Additionally, the BTTV extension allows for the use of both of these emotes.

How To Use The KEKW Emote In Twitch Chat?

  1. Add the FFZ or the BTTV Google extensions to your Twitch account.
  2. Make sure the streamer has the KEKW emote enabled on their channel.
  3. Type “KEKW” in the streamer’s Twitch chat (without the quotation marks) and send the message.
  4. The KEKW emote will now appear in the stream’s chat.

How To Use The KEKW Emote On Youtube?

  1. Add the BTTV Google extensions to your Youtube account.
  2. Make sure the streamer has the KEKW emote enabled on their channel.
  3. Type “KEKW” in the streamer’s chat (without the quotation marks) and send the message.
  4. The KEKW emote will now appear in the stream’s chat.

How To Pronounce KEKW?

The proper way to say KEKW is ‘kek-w’. The ‘e’ in KEK makes the same sound as the ‘e’ in the words red or bed. After you say the word KEK, you just say the letter ‘w’. KEK-W.

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