How to fix Fortnite capped at 60 FPS

When playing fortnite the fps is capped at 60fps when in settings fps is set to 90fps. However when I leave the app by homeswipe and go back to fortnite the frames are not capped and I can see 90 fps+. Then after a while it is capped to 60 again. Is this a problem with oneplus adaptive refresh rate not recognizing fortnite that well?

Apex will most likely be capped at 144 FPS by default whenever you start up a new account. While this FPS cap works for some players with PCs that sometimes struggle to run the game well, players that have more expensive and faster systems will most likely want to remove that cap and squeeze every frame they can out of their game. This is especially true for mouse and keyboard players whose aim is controlled by their raw input: the higher the FPS, the more accurate your game is and, in theory, your aim will be.

How to fix Fortnite capped at 60 FPS

Check your monitor frequency

Without a 144 Hz display, you cannot play games with FPS settings set to 144. As a result, confirm that your framerate matches the capability of your monitor. This is how you do it:

  1. Right-click Start and select Settings.
  2. Visit the System section.
  3. Select the monitor you want to inspect in the Display tab.
  4. Browse down and pickadditional display options
  5. Make sure the highest setting is selected in the Refresh Rate section by checking it.

Use performance mode

Your computer’s capabilities might not always be sufficient to support high frame rates. Fortunately, an in-game option called Performance mode can significantly increase the FPS output. How to enable it is as follows:

  • Open Fortnite and select Settings.
  • When you reach the Rendering Mode area, scroll down.
  • In order to access the Performance (Alpha) option, use the right arrow.
  • Play the game again.

Verify integrity of game files

  • Launch the Epic Game Store.
  • Discover Fortnite in the library.
  • To play the game, select the three horizontal dots there.
  • Choose Verify.

Try Game mode / turn off game bar

  1. Right-click Start and select Settings.
  2. Go to the gaming area.
  3. Disable Game Bar on the right.
  4. On the left, choose “Game mode.”
  5. By turning the switch to the right, activate the game mode.


  • Players must launch the AMD Radeon Software
  • Under the gaming tab, players need to choose Lost Ark
  • Players must enable the Radeon Enhanced Sync


  1. Players must open the Nvidia Control Panel
  2. Choose Manage 3D Settings
  3. Go to Program Settings
  4. Select Lost Ark from the available executable files
  5. Players must then turn off the Vertical Sync
  6. Click on Apply to save the changes

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